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Barcelona to Limit Cruise Ships Due to Overtourism



Source: Cruise Mapper
The Spanish city of Barcelona has announced new rules to limit the number of cruise ships that can dock in its busy port in an effort to tackle overtourism and reduce emissions from the city center.
According to the Independent, the new rules will come into effect on October 22, cutting the number of ships that can dock at any one time from 10 down to seven.
Cruise ships will also be banned from docking at the city’s most central port, meaning passengers can no longer walk directly from their cruise ship to Barcelona’s historic center. Instead, cruise ships will be forced to dock at the less central southern port along the Moll Adossat pier, and passengers will need to take a shuttle bus to the city.
“We are pushing the pollution away, towards the south and reducing the emissions that reach the city,” Lluís Salvado, president of the Port of Barcelona, said in a statement, calling the rules “a historic day for the city.”