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Tampa Airport TSA Finds Massive Boa Constrictor in Passenger’s Luggage



Source: Getty Images

Tampa Airport TSA employees got quite the fright when a passenger tried to bring her 4-foot “emotional support” boa constrictor on a flight last month.

According to People, the TSA posted an x-ray of their slithery findings to social media over the weekend, telling followers, “There’s a danger noodle in that bag.”
“Our officers at Tampa International Airport didn’t find this hyssssssterical!” the TSA said about the pet snake named Bartholomew. “We really have no adder-ation for discovering any pet going through an x-ray machine.”

The TSA reminded passengers to check the rules for carrying pets of all types with their airlines before traveling. While most will not allow snakes to be transported in carry-on luggage, a few will allow them to travel via checked-in baggage – if they are secured correctly.