Horrible Halloween Costumes

5 years agoon
It’s tough to come up with a good Halloween costume that’s never been done before, but what’s even harder is ensuring the costume itself is quality. Sure, we can all imagine dressing as a particular thing, but creating the costume itself is a challenge.

However, once you commit to an idea, you have to stick with it, and embrace it. Now it may not turn out the way you were hoping, but boy, the only thing better than a great costume is one that’s hilariously bad. Click Start Slideshow to witness some of the funniest, cringeworthy costumes ever created.
The Wolverine, With Claws of Spoons

Generally a pretty genial fellow, Stan Lee looks like he’s in a pretty awkward situation, and we’d have to agree there. Seeing your beloved and classic comics character reduced to a glorified fat suit isn’t exactly flattering!
Middle-Aged Mutated Ninja Turtles

With just a little green body paint, some green shirts, and some stealthy bandanas, you too can fight crime on the street! So long as that crime involves saving a beer truck.
Sesame Hood

Forget those It clowns, this is what should be occupying your nightmares! Your childhood isn’t just ruined, it’s about to send you to the insane asylum….
Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Who’s The Scariest of Them All?

Using just a purple towel, a pillow, and some baby powder, this guy managed to look even more frightening than the original Evil Queen!
The Halloween Costume Massacre

When Halloween is coming up and you only have $11 in your bank account, then turn to the Crocs! Honestly, I’d rather come face to face with the Texas Chainsaw guy.
Finn-tastically Horrible

To be honest, there really isn’t that much more you could do with this one! Unless you want to lose a ton of weight to try to match those skinny arms and legs….

It’d be pretty difficult to look like Harry Potter’s biggest baddie (you know, because of the whole missing nose thing), but this person tried their darndest using just a plastic bag, baby powder, and some kind of cheese ball shish kabob.
The Avengers, Walmart Brand

Saving the world isn’t easy, especially when you only have a budget of $10 to spend on gear. Try getting that Hulk costume out of your head now!
Venomous to the Eye

You gotta give this guy credit for doing his best on a Dollar Store budget. Those toothpick teeth and the candy bar tongue only makes it all the more hilarious!
Homely Simpson

Do yourself and every man, woman, and child a favor: do NOT ever dress up as the Simpsons! There isn’t enough yellow body paint in the entire world to make it look good.
I Pity This Fool

Going with someone of a different ethnicity is always a huge gamble, but this guy really didn’t help out his case by choosing overalls to go with his bling.
Thrift Thor

When you don’t have gorgeous golden locks, then a yellow plastic bag will do. No cool God of Thunder armor? That’s alright, you can just use those old obsolete CDs.
Frozen In Terror

Everyone and their mother were proudly displaying their finest costumes the Halloween after Frozen came out, but not everyone had hundreds of dollars to drop on a Disney character.
Wallowing Walrus

“I want to be a walrus for Halloween” is something that only this guy has said in the history of human beings. It’s inventive, but it’s hardly practical. Are you supposed to crawl around everywhere? Just crawl into a party and ask someone to pour a drink into your mouth?
Just Smurfing Around

Either the Blue Man Group let themselves go or these guys are the worst cosplayers ever. Probably the latter, since the Blue Man Group are experts at body paint application.
Pills-scary Doughboy

Want to know how to look like everyone’s favorite cookie-bearer as well as looking like a serial killer? Just ask this kid. Apparently it’s easier than you thought!

Look….dad and son costuming is great and all, but at least go with something a little more in your, well, size range. May we suggest Peter and Chris Griffin from Family Guy?
“This….Is….DOLLAR TREE!”

The Spartans were known for their ferocity in battle, but I doubt this guy could take on a cockroach with such tenacity — even with that broom.

Everyone wants a little R2-D2 of their own; they are, after all, Swiss army knives on wheels. The problem is that not everyone can afford one, so they have to make do with their limited resources.
The Mighty Card-bacca

It’d be pretty expensive to create your own wookie costume. After all, you’re talking about a lot of hair. But this guy figured out the solution to his costume and getting rid of all those Amazon Prime boxes.

Everybody wanted to dress up like the blue people after Avatar came out in 2009, and you could hardly find a Halloween party without seeing a Na’vi. This guy wanted in on the action but couldn’t even manage to buy enough body paint to fully do the job.
Grrrr, Tigger!

This is unfortunately what happens when the male brain stops developing past the age of five — you get Winnie the Pooh and Spider-Man tighties.

Everybody loves Ronald, right? Not like this! Although you have to give an A for effort in this case. That scissor handle mouth is pretty ingenious. Just don’t go outside wearing that, or else you might get arrested.

After too many years of making cartoons, Scooby and the gang finally had enough. Unfortunately, with nothing else to fall back on, they fell on hard times (and hard liquor).
Little Pack

Parents….parents….do not dress up your child like a pack of cigs! Do not start them down that path at such a young age!
Morbid Mickey

With just some packing tape and some bowls, you too can look just like the mouse himself! Or you could probably just buy a Mickey Mouse mask off of Amazon for, like, $5.
Maximum Creativity

When you get invited to a Halloween party but have absolutely nothing to wear for a costume, then just grab your old Xbox packaging, I suppose. Although in this case, it probably isn’t better than nothing.
Tangled Up Mess

The most daunting part of this costume would definitely be plunking down a large amount of cash for that gargantuan wig. This guy figured out the solution, though! Just find the longest yellow towel in existence.
Jabba the Sleeping Bag

Star Wars fans are some of the most inventive nerds on the planet, usually going all-out and spending half their year’s salary on a costume. When you’re a lowly part-timer, though, you just gotta make do with what you got!
Paper Man

Hey, we get it. Iron is expensive! No fanboy can afford it. Paper and red pajamas, though? Totally accessible to the average person.
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