Vintage Photos of Hollywood Icons Unlike You’ve Ever Seen Before

5 years agoon
It’s a fact that no matter where we look, we can always catch a glimpse of our favorite celebrities. Whether it be on television, movies, or online, you can guarantee that the faces of famous stars will be there. Then again, they’re also human beings who live normal lives behind the scenes.

Bruce Lee
We all know the late Bruce Lee as a famous celebrity and martial arts instructor. During the span of his career, we’ve all seen photos of him in a fighting pose or even in the middle of the action.

Frank Sinatra And Ringo
Frank Sinatra was perhaps one of the most famous stars in history. Creating hit songs such as My Way and Come Fly With Me, everyone’s attention was definitely fixed on the singer. Most of his career was spent singing for an audience, but in reality, he relishes the moments he gets to spend on his own.

Steve Buscemi
Many celebrities started their careers when they were still little kids but for the famous Hollywood star Steve Buscemi, he didn’t even realize that he was celebrity material until he was an adult. Buscemi was a New York City firefighter from 1980 to 1984.

By 1985, he made his film debut in the movie he Way It Is, directed by Eric Mitchell. His biggest role didn’t arrive until the year 1992 when he starred in the Quentin Tarantino film Reservoir Dogs.
George Clooney
George Clooney is one of the biggest and most successful actors in Hollywood today, there’s no doubt about that. Like other famous celebrities, Clooney spent most of his time filming new movies or attending big events in Hollywood.

Jane Fonda
Most people would think of Jane Fonda as a celebrity only. Being the daughter of a famous actor, of course, Fonda would naturally follow suit. But what many people didn’t know is that the actress is more than just a Hollywood celebrity.

Vin Diesel
Everyone who knows their Hollywood A to Zs is definitely familiar with Vin Diesel. For those who don’t know who he is, he’s only one of the most celebrated actors in the film industry. He has starred in numerous films, but his most noteworthy performance is in the Fast and the Furious film franchise where he starred alongside the late Paul Walker.

Elizabeth Montgomery
As the star of the hit television show Bewitched, Elizabeth Montgomery won our hearts over with her trademark nose twitch every time she would cast a spell on the sitcom. Her pretty face and praiseworthy talent in acting opened many opportunities for her in the film industry.

Leonardo DiCaprio
Any woman would agree that Leonardo DiCaprio is perhaps the hottest guy they have ever laid their eyes on. It would be the ultimate dream for any lady in her right mind to see this talented actor in person, but it would be such an honor to get to kiss him.

Robert De Niro
When someone mentions Robert De Niro, they would automatically envision a good-looking old guy who has received several awards and nominations throughout the duration of his acting career. And so, many people end up surprised when they’re told that the young boy in this photo is not a nephew or a grandson of the actor but is actually the actor himself.

Dwayne Johnson
Even though he isn’t as buff in this photo as he is now, not to mention having a full head of hair, we bet you can still recognize Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson from a mile away. He was only 15 years old when this photo was taken, but you can clearly see that he already has the making of a WWE superstar.

Brad Pitt
It must be so surreal for any person to see an A-list Hollywood star before their glory days. We’ve become so used to seeing different actors walking down the red carpet that getting a glimpse of their old normal selves is a bit strange yet satisfying.

Diana, Princess of Wales
When she married Prince Charles, Lady Diana Spencer, or more commonly known as Princess Diana, spent the rest of her days under the watchful eye of the media. Even during the days leading up to her passing, the paparazzi were there watching her every move. Luckily for the Princess of Wales, only a fraction of her life was spent under surveillance.

Richard Gere
Those who have watched the movie Pretty Woman might be familiar with Richard Gere’s scene where he was playing the piano at the hotel lobby before Julia Roberts walks in and completely distracts him. We bet most of you are wondering if that scene was edited to make it look like Gere actually knew how to play the piano, but in reality, he really is musically inclined.

Paul McCartney, John Lennon & George Harrison
While The Beatles enjoyed immense fame and success due to their legendary and catchy songs, they weren’t always famous. In fact, they started out as a group of humble young men who performed in different small gigs such as weddings.

Tobey Maguire And Leonardo Dicaprio
It’s often rare to see childhood friends becoming famous at the same time as Hollywood actors. Two of the rare celebs who knew each other as kids were Tobey Maguire and Leonardo Dicaprio.

Matt Damon
Who knew that this little boy with a sweet smile would one day end up raking in countless awards and nominations for his performances in various big screen films? We’re pretty sure that no one could have done so, but we’re glad that the cute boy in this photo is Matt Damon.

Marilyn Monroe
All of us are so used to seeing photographs of the late Marilyn Monroe wearing girly dresses or posing in a lady-like manner, but never have we gotten a glimpse of the famous actress lifting weights. Like all female celebrities, the Hollywood star had to keep herself in shape if she wanted to keep herself afloat in the film industry.

Drew Barrymore
It’s no secret that Drew Barrymore is the young girl who played the role of Elliott’s sister whom we all loved and adored in the film E.T. Fast forward to today and the once cute little girl has become one of the hottest actresses in Hollywood..

Princess Diana And Mr. Bean
There’s no denying just how famous Rowan Atkinson truly is. To give you an idea of just how popular he is, well, you can see Princess Diana in this photo pointing to him as if saying “You!” You’ll know you truly made it as a famous actor if even royalty is familiar with your face.

Jack Nicholson
Often given more serious roles in the films he stars in, Jack Nicholson is actually quite a pretty laid back and funny guy in real life. In this photo, we can see him messing around in front of the camera as he puts his face against a watermelon that we can all assume he was eating.

Meryl Streep
It’s hard to believe that a talented actress such as Meryl Streep once had a difficult time getting into showbusiness. That’s right. Even though the multi-award-winning actress is one of the most talented and passionate actresses we know of, she once was rejected countless times when she was starting out with her acting career.

Charlie Chaplin And Albert Einstein
It may come as a surprise for many people, but Charlie Chaplin actually spent a few times with history’s smartest person, Albert Einstein. If you don’t believe us, then here’s a photo of the two men. In fact, the two of them allegedly had a short but iconic conversation with each other.

Admittedly, it wasn’t easy for black people to be someone back in the day, but it’s people like Oprah Winfrey who proves that anyone can be somebody if they work hard to get to where they want to be in life. At the start of her career on television, Winfrey was offered a job as a co-anchor on Baltimore’s WJZ-TV.

Madonna, Sting And Tupac
Let’s admit it, for a normal person, it’s already remarkable to get a photo of one famous celebrity, so it would already be considered extraordinary to take a picture of three legends at the same time.

Peter Dinklage
He may be famous for playing the role of Tyrion Lannister in the HBO series Game of Thrones, but before he even started his acting career, Peter Dinklage was part of a punk/rap/funk band called Whizzy. Back in the mid-nineties, the actor was the band’s co-frontman and also played the cornet.

Helena Bonham Carter
Before she ended up playing eccentric woman roles, Helena Bonham Carter, the youngest among three siblings, was more well-versed in writing than she was in acting. In fact, before she even ventured into acting, she has received no formal training of any kind. All she had with her was pure luck and a natural talent for acting.

Kurt Cobain
It’s a shame that the life of the Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain was cut short. Otherwise, he would definitely be one of the most famous living rock stars of our time. Even though he’s no longer here with us, he has a huge number of fans still mourning his passing even though 27 years have already passed.

Adam West (Batman) & Leonard Nemoy (Spock)
Don’t ask us how it happened, but at one point in history, Batman and Spock jammed and made music together. Not officially of course. From time to time, celebrities like to hang out with each other, just like what Adam West, who is famous for playing the role of Batman during the ‘60s, and Leonard Nimoy, best known for starring as Spock in the Star Trek franchise, did in this photo.

Morgan Freeman
Best known for his mesmerizing voice, which is often used as the voice of God in various films such as Bruce Almighty, Morgan Freeman initially turned down an acting scholarship as a young man in order to enlist in the United States Air Force.

Tippi Hedren And Her Pet Lion
They say that until one has learned to love an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened. Normally, we would think that this quote refers to the usual domestic pets such as cats and dogs, but the ‘60s actress Tippi Hedren might have taken things a bit too far.

Matthew McConaughey
It’s easy to think that Matthew McConaughey has always been this hot and muscular man his entire life, but as it turns out, he was just like other regular guys during his youth. However, before he became a hotshot Hollywood actor, Matthew was already considered above average looking by many of his peers.

Julie Andrews And Blake Edwards
Once in our lives, we get to meet the person with whom we will spend the rest of our lives. In the case of veteran actress Julie Andrews, she had to try twice before she met the love of her life. She was first married to her childhood friend Tony Walton from 1959 until 1967, then she met director Blake Edwards shortly after.

Diane Keaton and Al Pacino
Oftentimes in the film industry, co-stars end up falling for each other, especially when the roles they play are lovers. One perfect example of reel-to-real Hollywood couples are The Godfather co-stars Diane Keaton and Al Pacino.

Justin Timberlake And Ryan Gosling
It’s so nice and refreshing to see famous actors back in the days. Here we have Ryan Gosling and Justin Timberlake posing for a photograph as little boys. Many people didn’t know that these two celebrities go way back.

Ewan McGregor
Many Hollywood stars aren’t just good at acting but are also talented in different fields too such as Ewan McGregor. While he is a great actor, he’s an even better musician. When he was young, he was known for playing various musical instruments.

Pablo Picasso
There are a lot of brilliant minds that have gone down in history as some of the most iconic figures, and one of them is Pablo Picasso. As a Spanish painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist, and theatre designer, he is regarded as one of the most influential artists of the 20th century.

Judy Garland
Judy Garland truly was a one of a kind actress. Famous for playing the role of Dorothy in the film The Wizard of Oz, Garland went on to star in various movies such as Meet Me in St. Louis. She has also won several awards during her acting career including an Academy Juvenile Award, a Golden Globe Award, and a Special Tony Award.

Christian Bale
Everyone knows Christian Bale as one of the Hollywood actors to portray the famous DC character, Batman, but not many people would even guess that the young boy in this photo would end up being cast in the most coveted role.

Clint Eastwood And Burt Reynolds
Clint Eastwood and Burt Reynolds are two of the most iconic Hollywood stars in history. Clint Eastwood was famous for starring in Spaghetti Westerns, which propelled him to fame, and Burt Reynolds was famous for starring in a number of subsequent box office hits, such as The Longest Yard.

Robert Downey Jr. And Sarah Jessica Parker
A lot of people might have already forgotten about it, but there was a time when Iron Man’s Robert Downey Jr. and Sex and the City’s Sarah Jessica Parker were actually a couple. From 1984 to 1991, Robert and Sarah Jessica were the hottest item in Hollywood.

Elvis Presley
It’s a known fact that Elvis Presley had to take a break from his singing career when he was drafted into the U.S. Army as a private at Fort Chaffee. Although he was a rising star during that time, no special treatment was given to The King.

Bruce Willis
While Hollywood stars would gladly pose for photographs most of the time, there are days when they simply request the public to keep their privacy and let them enjoy a moment of silence with their loved ones.

Drew Barrymore And Princess Diana
At the age of 7, Drew Barrymore should have been in school working on her homework like the rest of the kids her age. But as a little girl, it was obvious that she was different from the other children due to her incredible knack for acting.

Stanley Kubrick
A lot of us know that Stanley Kubrick is quite unbeatable when it comes to directing horror films, but before he even became interested in this genre, he was first interested in photography, and he was quite good at it.

Maggie Smith
Children of today would recognize Maggie Smith as the famous Professor Minerva McGonagall in the Harry Potter film series. However, her career goes way back before the Wizarding World was ever created. Smith is known for her extensive career on stage, film, and television, which began in the mid-1950s.

Marilyn Monroe Meets Queen Elizabeth II
It’s not every day that you get to meet the Queen of England, but because of Marilyn Monroe’s fame and success as an actress, she had the opportunity to meet a lot of important people in high places.

At the age of 17 years old, you can already tell that Prince was going to be a superstar. He had so much style going through his veins and he has so much musical creativity in his mind. As you can see, he can easily rock an afro hairstyle, which was what was considered in style during that time.

Elton John
Many people would definitely agree with us when we say that Elton John is one of the richest, most successful, and most powerful people in the world. He has achieved so much fame that he could practically do anything he wants to, including playing the piano while he’s onboard a plane.

Harrison Ford
In order to become a famous celebrity, a person doesn’t just need to have talent and good looks, he should also have the determination to do a great job delivering his lines and embodying the personality of the character he is playing.

Jerry And Ben Stiller
They say that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, and in the case of Ben Stiller, he’s definitely not so different from his comedian dad, Jerry Stiller. The father and son duo spent a great deal of time bonding together.

Eva Mendes And Alyssa Milano
We don’t know how Hollywood stars react to seeing throwback photos of themselves getting the autograph of famous celebrities. That is why we can only guess how Eva Mendes reacted to this photo of her, pre-Hollywood, posing for a photograph with the famous Alyssa Milano.

Ozzy Osbourne And Baby Aimee
We may be familiar with Ozzy Osbourne as a heavy metal singer, but in reality, he’s also a dedicated father to his kids. While we know of his kids Kelly and Jack Osbourne who followed in his footsteps as heavy metal singers, Ozzy spent a great deal of time with his other child, Aimee.

Janet And Michael Jackson
Whether you’d like to admit it or not, it is beyond a reasonable doubt that we all terribly miss the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. Ever since his untimely passing in 2009, the music industry was left with a void due to the loss of a great star.

Audrey Hepburn
There truly was no one else quite like Audrey Hepburn. Aside from her pretty face and talent in acting, Hepburn was also greatly involved in humanitarian and charitable causes. That doesn’t mean though that she doesn’t let down her hair once in a while.

Michael Jackson And Lionel Richie
Without even knowing what’s going on in this photo, you’ll know instantly that something great is about to transpire since two of the most legendary musicians of all time, Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie, are sitting beside each other, discussing something which seemed important.

Barack Obama
No one could have guessed that the little boy in this photo would one day end up being the first African American president of the most powerful country in the world. As a young boy, Barack Obama would never in his wildest dreams even think of running for the presidency, let alone winning it.

Stephen Hawking
From an early age, Stephen Hawking already showed signs of being a genius thanks to his interest in how things around him worked. It is said that he enjoyed disassembling and reassembling various objects such as clocks to see how they functioned. True enough, he would end up being one of the most brilliant minds in the world, along the likes of Albert Einstein.

Brigitte Bardot And Pablo Picasso
For many artists, Brigitte Bardot is the luckiest woman in the world not because she is pretty and talented, but because she got to personally meet and spend time with one of the greatest painters of all time, Pablo Picasso.

Britney Spears And Christina Aguilera
Almost all ‘90s girls know who Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera are. Ask any teenage girl during that time and they would enthusiastically tell you a thing or two about these two pop stars.

Samuel L. Jackson, John Travolta, Harvey Keitel, And Quentin Tarantino
Pulp Fiction might just be one of the best and most iconic movies in American cinema. Thanks to the brilliant mind of Quentin Tarantino, stars such as Samuel L. Jackson, John Travolta, Uma Thurman, and many more were brought together and became some of the most successful celebrities in Hollywood.

Sylvester Stallone And Arnold Schwarzenegger
Sylvester Stallone And Arnold Schwarzenegger are two of the most sought-after action stars back in the day. Stallone, who was known for his iconic performance as Rocky Balboa, and Schwarzenegger, who was known for his role as The Terminator, made them super successful Hollywood actors.

Alan Rickman
Famous for portraying the famous wizard Severus Snape, Alan Rickman’s journey towards acting had a lot of twists and turns. As a young lad, he excelled at calligraphy and watercolor painting, so it came as quite a surprise that he would eventually venture into the acting industry.

Stephen King
With a sweet smile on his face, no one would have guessed that the little boy in this photo would become the greatest horror novel writer of our time. As a child, Stephen King apparently witnessed one of his friends being struck and killed by a train, which might explain why most of the stories he comes up with are often dark.

Sean Connery
The role of James Bond has long been tied to the name of Hollywood actor Sean Connery. He became known as the first actor to portray the character of the British secret agent, and he did a good job in doing so that he continued on playing the role between 1962 and 1967 and then again in 1983 when he made his final appearance as Bond in Never Say Never Again.

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