Top Tips To Stay Healthy This Year

6 years agoon
Welcome to our top tips to stay healthy this year you don’t want to miss out on using in your daily life. Some of these simple steps may be common sense to most, but there’s quite a few on this list that we guarantee you weren’t thinking of to improve your wellbeing. It’s definitely worth taking advantage of these health and wellness boosting tips for a better you. Click NEXT to begin your journey to living your best life ever!

Wash Your Hands

This might be a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many people either don’t wash their hands or don’t use the proper hand-washing practices for ultimate germ killing. The key is to thoroughly cover hands in soap and wash for at least 20 seconds.
Eat More Fruits and Veggies

A healthy diet is crucial when it comes to maintaining a good immune system. Do yourself a favor and up the ante when it comes to adding fruits and veggies to your daily routine. Garlic, Onion and Ginger are just a few to add.
Drink More Water

Staying hydrated can do your body wonders. Drinking more H20 will naturally help your body eliminate toxins and bacteria.
Exercise Regularly

Getting that sweat on regularly can boost blood flow, specifically those extra important white blood cells which are ultra important to your immune system.
Up Your Vitamin C Intake

Whether it be in the form of a supplement or food, increase your vitamin C, an important antioxidant that keeps the body strong and healthy.
Add Soup to Your Diet

Hot chicken soup is not only good for congestion, but also contains some anti-inflammatory properties.
Use Hand Sanitizer

Washing your hands is still ideal for disinfection, but if you are on the go, the next best thing is keeping some hand sanitizer handy.
Avoid Touching Your Face

It might be tough to remember, but by avoiding touching your face in general it could significantly decrease your chances of any bacteria entering your system.
Limit Common Gestures

If the flu is going around your workplace, try to limit contact with co-workers such as handshaking, high-fiving or sharing food and drink.
Disinfect Your Phone

Think about it…you take your phone everywhere and with all the places you are setting it down, make sure you make a habit of wiping it down with some antibacterial wipes.
Sanitize Your Work Station

If your office has a bug going around, disinfect your work station and common areas. Think keyboard, mouse, coffee station etc.
Wipe Down Your Gym Equipment

Although regular exercise can do wonders for your immune system, if you attend a gym, make sure to wipe down equipment before and after use to protect yourself from bacteria.
Sanitize Your Coffee Mug/Water Bottle

Other items that may be commonly overlooked for disinfection are your daily used water bottle and your coffee mug.
Sanitize Your Vehicle

Do yourself a favor and use antibacterial wipes for your vehicle, specifically the door handles, steering wheel and shifter.
Replace Your Toothbrush

A common item many people forget to replace on a regular basis is your toothbrush, especially if you’ve recently been sick, swap out your toothbrush to keep from re-infection.
Get Enough Sleep

Make sure you are getting zzz’s to keep your body performing in tip top shape. Being sleep-deprived can reduce the infection-fighting antibodies you need.
Make Sure Your Vaccinations are Up to Date

A simple flu or pneumonia vaccine can help you tremendously during peak season, especially if you are elderly or have underlying health conditions.
Stay Warm

Keep warm, especially your extremities. When your body gets colder, it can reduce the supply of white blood cells, an essential part of staying healthy.
Schedule a Check Up

Prevention is key. Schedule an appointment for a check-up and ask about any recommended health screenings specific to you.
Self Care

Life can get crazy, hectic, stressful…all of the above. Make sure to carve out some ‘you’ time even if it’s only a few minutes a day for some meditation or simple breathing exercises.
Break Up the Work Day

If you work in an office, chances are you spend the majority of the day sitting. This is a no-no when it comes to optimal health. Try going for a 5-minute walk once every 90 minutes.
Limit Device Time Before Bed

If you’ve gotten in the habit of scrolling your social media before bed, you may want to re-think it. Try a different strategy to unwind prior to bedtime.

Keep up with a good oral hygiene routine. Oral health is just as important as diet and exercise when it comes to keeping your body healthy.
Stop Smoking

It may be no easy feat, but your body will thank you in the long run. It can lead to a myriad of ailments such as lung disease, COPD and emphysema.
Check Out Your Family Tree

Take a look at your relatives and what you could be at risk for. It’s a good idea to assess your risk of any medical conditions and schedule any screenings that could be advantageous.
Use a Health App

Health apps can be extremely useful to keep track of daily intake of calories, exercise and even water intake. They can keep you accountable and on the right path toward optimal health.
Change Your Air Filters

Another commonly overlooked item is air filters. Change out your air filters per the recommendation on the package to reduce allergens and maintain optimal air quality.
Reduce Fast Food

Try to reduce your intake of junk food including fast food to keep your body performing at its best. A constant trip through the drive-thru will load your body up with sodium and unhealthy fats.
Take a Digital Break

Not only is it important to stay on top of your physical health, but your mental health too! Do yourself a favor and take a break from the digital world including social media, even if it’s only for a day.
Go Get Some Sunshine

If you have any down time, get out in the sunshine and get some Vitamin D. A little sun and fresh air always does a body good.
Work on Your Posture

If this makes you think of your mom yelling at you to “sit up straight,” well she was right! A straight posture encourages healthy blood flow.
Limit Caffeine

While a cup of coffee each day isn’t super detrimental, if you find yourself going back for cup 3 and 4, be mindful to cut back on the caffeine intake as too much is linked to high blood pressure. “In moderation” is key.
Drink Green Tea

Speaking of caffeine, it can’t hurt to switch up your cup of joe for a cup of tea. Green tea is loaded with beneficial elements such as antioxidants and nutrients.
Add a Probiotic

When it comes to supplements, adding a probiotic to your daily routine can improve your gut health, an essential part of maintaining a healthy immune system.
Minimize Alcohol Intake

Again, moderation is key when it comes to a healthy lifestyle balance.
Watch Your Sugar Intake

Large amounts of sugar can be one of the worst things for your metabolic health. Sugar is linked to multiple ailments including diabetes, heart disease, obesity among many others.
Up Your Spice Game

When cooking in the kitchen, try cooking with certain herbs and spices that can make a positive impact on your health including ginger, garlic, turmeric, cinnamon and peppermint.
Avoid Bright Light Before Bedtime

Put down the computer and phone at least one hour prior to going to sleep. The screen can affect your hormone production of melatonin and will mess up your desperately needed zzz’s.
Remove Toxic Relationships

Speaking of mental health, one key part of keeping your mental game strong is removing any toxic relationships and removing negative energies from your life.
Keep Stress Levels Down

A common goal for all of us is to keep stress levels at bay. Whether that be meditating, doing some yoga or making your self organizational checklists, do it for your mental well being!
Wear Sunscreen

If you do find yourself lucky enough to get your fair share of Vitamin D, make sure to keep the sunscreen handy to maintain skin health.
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