Dogs That Look Like Famous People

4 years agoon
A lot of people love to point out when other humans resemble celebrities, but the real investigators are those pointing out which dogs look like celebrities. Maybe you think that sounds a bit absurd, but some say dogs look just like their owners, and others resemble more famous Hollywood stars.

It’s almost uncanny when the hair color and style of a dog is almost on point with that of a specific celebrity, because when you see the pictures side-by-side, you can’t help but admit it’s true. From long waves and highlights, to grimacing faces and smug demeanors, here are the dogs who emulate our favorite celebs perfectly. Click ‘Next’ to begin!
Richard Gere

Richard Gere and this dog clearly have the same build and expression, making their identical smile the cherry on top. Both of them are sophisticated but also clearly fun-loving.
John Travolta

Perhaps it’s the bald head pairing with the white one on the dog, or the crazy big eyes and quirky demeanor, but there’s almost no way you can’t agree that this pit mix looks exactly like Travolta.
Harrison Ford

Good guy Harrison Ford as a Golden Retriever makes perfect sense, because he truly was America’s golden boy at the peak of his career. However, the subtle smirk allows you to see how dogs emulate humans, and this one is spot on.
Samuel L. Jackson

This side-by-side with Samuel L. Jackson and a very frustrated pitbull who didn’t like his recent bath at all is too great, because their facial expressions are so similar despite being two completely different contexts.
Clint Eastwood

Both this dog and Clint Eastwood have wise eyes, and though they may be showing a little age, they certainly could teach you a thing or two. We may not have had their experiences, but you can tell this pair would be a good duo for a future movie.
William H. Macy

William H. Macy has a very distinct face, in that it is long in complementing his patented hairstyle and big eyes. Well cue this spaniol, which is a perfect match with his own glaring eyes, combed hair and earnest expression. Somehow you see Macy in the dog almost instantly.
Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts is known for her gorgeous flowing hair, so it only makes sense that she’s paired alongside this Afghan Hound, because no other dog has more equally respectable flowing hair than them. These are the types of matches that are just too perfect, in every way.
Tilda Swinton

Okay, Tilda Swinton has stolen the show and set the standard for her patented haircut and death stare, but somehow this German Pinscher is on the exact same page, just by dog standards. As you can see, the hair color is the same, and for what the dog is unable to bring to the table in swoop, it makes up for with its ears.
Steve Buscemi

There’s no other actor quite like Steve Buscemi, and once you notice him in a role, you can’t help but appreciate how versatile he is. Well, somehow this dog aspires to do the same, as it almost perfectly resembles the patented Buscemi look that only begs more questions.
Ron Perlman

Did you know that if Ron Perlman was a dog, he’d probably be a Barbet? Did you even know that was a breed of dog? Anyway, both of these two have great facial hair, and though they have different eye colors, their eyebrows are acting in unison for this pic.
Whoopi Goldberg

It only makes sense for Whoopi to be with the Puli, which is funny because even their names sound alike. Whoopi’s basically had the same hairstyle for decades, and the elegant matted locks of the Puli are a perfect compliment to her style. The dog just needs some cool glasses.
Snoop Dogg

We’re not saying the eyes of this dog are what’s most comparable to Snoop Dogg, but we aren’t denying it either. Anyway, this Dachshund is either pretty drowsy, or unamused by his photoshoot, but somehow he got the Snoop face down pretty solid. Learn from the best.
Richard Branson

When looking at this Pekingese, you’d almost double take at how human its features look. This particular one is so similar to Richard Branson, it’s almost alarming considering the skin and hair color are so strikingly similar. Could argue some others here, but Branson is too fitting.
Peter Dinklage

Spaniols seem to have some of the most interesting facial expressions of all dogs, and for whatever reason, when you catch them with a sad or droopy face, pairing them with a serious celebrity seems to work. Peter Dinklage’s furry doppelganger shares his same face shape as well.
Zach Galifianakis

Sometimes when you’re groomed, you take on a different appearance, albeit more clean-cut than anything else. Well, Zach Galifranakis and this small spaniel were both looking dapper in these shoots, as you can see how proud they were to show off their new look.
Gail Tilsley

This Toy Poodle is certainly living up to its name being dressed up and all, but the little smile is almost identical to Ms. Gail Tilsley’s, which is quite remarkable. But we can’t help but love their matching haircuts even more, because unfortunately for Gail, they’re exactly the same.
Patrick Stewart

Patrick Stewart and this terrier have a lot in common, starting with their smile, which is unequivocally the same. And since Patrick Stewart has become a bald icon, this dog’s short white coat is making him the front-runner for playing his canine counterpart in the next dog film.
Judi Dench

Some dogs just have an attitude that gives them a more human-like quality, and knowing when a dog is going to have expectations that are bougie only reaffirms that. Queue this retriever, who clearly emulates the strong female energy brought forth by Judy Dench, which makes perfect sense.
Henry Winkler

Henry Winkler as a German Shepherd sounds crazy until you see one with its ear flopped over. Both have uniquely famous smiles, and their goofy demeanors make them a lot of people’s favorites. See? Dogs and humans are more alike than you thought, aren’t they?
Burt Reynolds

When it comes to Burt Reynolds, one of the things everyone remembers most is the great facial hair, namely the colors. Well here’s our friend the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, which replicates that same, sophisticated and mature look perfectly. Burt’s a great name for this breed, too.
Gene Simmons

Here’s yet another case where we see a spaniel being so human, his dangling tongue immediately brings Gene Simmons to mind, especially because of the hair. Both have that deep black color, and while neither are wearing makeup, it’s an uncanny pairing.
Peyton Manning

In perhaps one of the more viral dog and person comparisons, this disappointed lab and frustrated Peyton Manning were too good to pass up. Both have their faces scrunched up in a way that speaks more than any words could, so we understand without even needing to ask.
Eric Stonestreet

Eric Stonesreet as a Chow Chow just makes sense, and perhaps it’s just their round faces, but their personalities happen to line up pretty well too. Both are quite light-hearted and blissful, not really to be taken all too seriously, and they’re probably likely to cheer you up as well.
Nicole Polizzi

If you’ve ever seen Jersey Shore, you’re familiar with Nicole Polizzi, and if a Maltese isn’t the perfect dog to represent her, we don’t know what is. Complete with a bougie bow and snarky look, these two are a match made in heaven. I mean c’mon, they even have the same hairstyle!

Cher is a one-of-a-kind human being, and the one-of-a-kind dog that perfectly showcases her patented straight bleach blonde hair is surely the Afghan Hound, who is one of the only dogs with a substantial mane. We’re sure Cher would approve, since these dogs are very elegant.
Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt is the Schnauzer in this list, and while it may seem unfitting at first, the more you look at the beard and their eyes, the more it makes sense. These dogs are sophisticated and well-known around the world for their hard work, and so is Pitt. You may have wanted a Pitbull, but this is more accurate.
Angelina Jolie

We can’t deny the main thing making Angelina Jolie look like the pug here is the head tilt, but somehow her skin complexion and hair color is nearly identical to that of the pug, and for that reason alone, this is a worthy comparison.
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge

This dog honestly looks like it could be named Duchess based on its beautiful red coat, but Catherine’s is pretty flow-y as well. This long-haired Dachshund is certainly special, and that’s what it takes to become a member of the royal family as well.
Clint Eastwood

Okay, we already did Clint Eastwood once, but his facial expressions are top notch, so we had to pair this extremely disgruntled look of his with a Tennessee Brindle who looks just as aggravated. The speckled coating matches his wrinkles too, which provides a bonus laugh.
David Bowie

We all know David Bowie’s iconic rainbow album cover, right? Well check out this awesome Greyhound, which happened to be laying right where a nice sunbeam was falling across his head, just like Bowie! Now if that isn’t destiny, we don’t know what is.
Gilbert Gottfried

Simply put, there’s no voice out there like Gilbert Gottfried’s. Plain and simple. And for some reason, that face he always makes is spot on with this Chihuahua’s, presenting us with a perfect match. Chihuahua’s are certainly one-of-a-kind in their own right, so it works nicely.
Betty White

Betty White was one of our nation’s finest entertainment treasures, and we miss her every day. The Bichon Frise is also known for its infectious personality, and is one of the most likable dogs out there. Just like our hero Betty White, these two will always be held in high regard.
Channing Tatum

We all know Channing Tatum is known for playing roles that capitalize on his athletic build, and pitbulls are also some of the most tough, agile dogs out there for their size. The other thing these two have in common is their expert puppy dog eyes, which is probably why they’re so popular!

Charo is known for her “cuchi cuchi” catch-phrase, and being a multi-instrumentalist, and actress for decades. So it’s only fitting that we paired her with a Yorkshire Terrier, since they are also known for being petite and perfect show dogs, meaning these are both pure performers.
Rick James

Rick James as a Poodle is perfect. There’s no denying it, and we won’t accept any slander otherwise. Who has better hair than these two? No one. Who can steal the show with ease? These two. Even if you didn’t know of either one, you’d turn your head if they walked by.
Martin Sheen

This little terrier and Martin Sheen are certainly in cahoots with this cheesy smile, and it’s honestly hilarious to see how apprehensive they are knowing they’re having their picture taken. Moreso the dog, but hey, no one really loves being caught in a moment if they aren’t ready.
Nick Offerman

The striking resemblance between this shepherd mix and Nick Offerman’s character Ron Swanson from ‘Parks & Rec’ is uncanny. The stare the two both are giving makes it seem as though they’d rather be anywhere else. And it’s probably true. Eyes speak a thousand words.
Orson Wells

Orson Wells’ writing was always incredibly ominous, and somehow he fit the part, with his dark facial features and glaring stare. Look at this small pup though, who is doing everything in his little body to look intimidating. The dark coloring on his head also helps the comparison nicely.
Gordon Ramsey

Gordon Ramsey is foreign, and so is the Shar-Pei, but honestly their faces have more in common than the origin of their respective native country. However, one has wrinkles from the stress of being a world renown, hot-headed chef while the other just has a big fluffy coat.

Alright, Chewbacca may be a fictional character, but this little terrier with his hair slicked back and a fitting shoulder strap is just too good. He’s also so committed to the part, you can only assume everyone at the comic con he’s inevitably attending is going to absolutely love it.
Laura Dern

This little terrier and Laura Dern only have such striking similarity because this dog’s owner clearly styled its hair in a very particular way. As you can see, most of these comparisons come down to hair shape and color, but those endearing eyes and friendly look fit both nicely.
Ivanka Trump

In another example of Afghan Hounds being compared to blonde women, this photo of Ivanka getting her makeup done next to an Afghan with its mane tied back, looking in the same direction is epic. The presentation and nature of both photos is very bright, and fashion forward.
Bruce Willis

Can’t you see it? Bruce Willis as a Bull Terrier? We’re not exactly sure why, but it does make sense when you look at them straight on. Bulls are short-haired, and because Bruce is bald, we’re also inherently drawn to noticing the nose. But they aren’t the same either, so maybe the eyes are the main factor.
David Harbour

David Harbour has become a household name these days, just like all the varieties of popular terriers so many people own. However, that look he gives where he tightens his eyebrows and glares looks exactly like what this dog is giving the cameraman, proving dogs could make pretty good actors too.
Ariana Grande

When we think of Ariana Grande we think of her long, flowing hair, so it’s only fitting that we pair her with the cocker spaniel, because they too have elegant curls and some huge eyes. It’s no wonder these are both international sensations.

This Staffordshire Terrier and Jay-Z are both here to tell you that they run the place. Like seriously, Jay-Z and a pitbull are a match because they’re easily underrated and overly exceptional at what they deliver. That’s why they’re more popular than most realize.
Jack Black

Jack Black is one of the funniest actors on the planet, and as soon as you see him, it immediately puts a smile on your face because you know you’re going to laugh. Same goes for French Bulldogs – no one can
Chris Hemsworth

Chris Hemsworth is another likable guy who basically burst into the Hollywood scene due to his success on ‘Parks & Rec,’ but his versatility in roles since surely equate him to that of a Labrador Retriever. Very loyal and can fit in any family, plus look at their identical smirks!
Anya Taylor-Joy

Anya Taylor-Joy is on a huge upswing since her success in ‘The Queen’s Gambit,’ and there’s no way you can deny her cool red hair color is pretty on point with that of the brown Cocker Spaniel. And in this image in particular, the curls, browns and eyes are all identical.
Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson and this terrier mostly have their patented frizzy hair in common, but for some reason in this shot, they’re both less than pleased to be having their photo taken. It’s a lot of pressure being in the spotlight, but this is what you signed up for!
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