Countries That Don’t Care For Americans

5 years agoon
The United States may be one of the most free and powerful countries in the world, but that doesn’t make it immune from criticism abroad, even amongst allies. Foreign diplomacy can be a difficult task, and though a lot of the world looks to the U.S. for leadership, sometimes it ruffles feathers.

Historical indifferences, conflicting international involvements, and the harsh realities have all shaped the international view of the USA differently. Unfortunately, some of these countries are less favorable to US citizens than others. Based on polls conducted by Pew Research Center and others, these are the countries that dislike Americans the most.
Sweden – 65% Unfavorable

As a Scandinavian country, Sweden has a pretty justifiable gripe with the way they’re perceived by Americans. Essentially, they think we see Sweden as a socialist, liberal paradise that’s actually pulling a rouse on their citizens and costing them too much. But most swedes are pretty proud of their culture and lifestyle.
Turkey – 73% Unfavorable

Turkey has a lot going on for such an undermined country in a contentious part of the world. Over the past decade, they’ve taken on more refugees than almost anyone, fleeing from both the middle east as well as Africa. With little U.S. assistance amidst this crisis, it fully explains their frustrations.
Egypt – 85% Unfavorable

Since the Egyptian uprising of 2011, these two have not gotten along whatsoever. Considering the Egyptians directly accuse the U.S. of sending them into disarray after supporting the overthrow of their president and letting extremists run vampant, it’s no surprise they don’t trust the American involvement.
Argentina – 57% Unfavorable

Argentinians have a pretty valid, yet comical reason to feel swiped by “Americans,” because being from South America themselves, they too, are “Americans.” It’s understandable that many countries on the neighboring continent probably feel this way, but the Argentines also feel that the U.S. has stolen many of their traditional cooking practices as well.
Jordan – 85% Unfavorable

While Jordan is easily one of the most strong and important middle eastern allies the U.S. has in the region, it’s not a surprise that the citizens are fatigued by all the American involvement in the area. While they’re generally favorable of the American people, they’re skeptical of the long term effects of recent conflict surrounding them.
Mexico – 65% Unfavorable

The Mexican/American rivalry can be traced back to the early wars of the 1800s, but in modern context, most of the disagreements between the two have to do with any and everything regarding the border. While administrations change, it continues to be a hot button issue.
China – 54% Unfavorable

Trade disputes have undeniably become a contested issue between these two, and the economic faceoff they continue to have is something the whole world is intently watching. However, the United States’ criticism and continued sanctions keep the relationship rocky, but both know they must coexist.
Russia – 71% Unfavorable

The animosity between the U.S. and Russia is no secret, and the relationship has continued to be volatile since the end of the Cold War. Between continued allegations of spying, meddling and manipulation in American affairs from Russia, and them being labeled as an adversary by the U.S., it’s hard to believe the two countries are seeing eye-to-eye anytime soon.
Australia – 64% Unfavorable

Australia has a large and diverse native population, and when seeing some of the sociological concerns that have become highly polarized over the recent years, they’re skeptical mostly of leadership in relation to these events. However, the countries’ citizens generally get along.
Spain – 58% Unfavorable

The Spanish have mostly taken offense to the U.S. opposition to many things in the European Union. Think previous withdrawals from key global humanitarian and environmental coalitions. Since they rely heavily on America’s influence, they want more stability from an international sense.
Netherlands – 69% Unfavorable

The Dutch have been continuously critical of the U.S. in recent years, but it stems back to American involvement in east Asia half a century ago. However, today they view Americans to be more egocentric, intolerant, and unhealthy more than anything else. This perception tends to be rooted in the tourists who visit Amsterdam.
France – 67% Unfavorable

The French have long had a feeling of being superior to Americans, but as history has shown us, the two have had off-and-on relations over the centuries. In a period where the U.S. is mending many European relationships, and the world is combatting more dangerous ideologies, the contentious past actually has the opportunity for renewed unity.
Iran – 61% Unfavorable

If you watch the news, you know Iran isn’t our friend, and that’s been the case since the U.S. embassy raid in Tehran in 1979. But between the U.S. stifling their nuclear arsenal, and their criticisms of American unrest and painting our society as “unruly”, it seems the two countries are trying to point the finger at each other, which translates to the people.
Lebanon – 57% Unfavorable

Lebanon has often become a country caught in the crossfire, and being located in one of the most hostile places on Earth, it’s hard to blame them for being conflicted. However, their frustrations with the U.S. come from the harsh blockages we’ve put on humanitarian aid, paired with the continued instability they face from their neighbors.
Germany – 70% Unfavorable

Germany functions much like the U.S., from diversity to democratic government practices, but they’ve become highly critical of the American lifestyle, and particularly that it’s better than other democracies. In actuality, Germans love many American things, but are hesitant to attach themselves to potentially problematic parts of our culture.
Tunisia – 47% Unfavorable

Tunisia hasn’t necessarily been known to be an adversary of the U.S. by any means, but a particular viral hateful video by an American caused a big stir in the nation. However, there’s a fruitful opportunity to restore that relationship going forward.
Greece – 63% Unfavorable

Despite Greece’s large presence in the U.S., the actual Greeks who still live in the Mediterranean are mostly fed up with American tourists coming over and drinking too much. Also, the debt-ridden country has a particular frustration with the concept of the American dream.
Iraq – 67% Unfavorable

This one is kind of inevitable. After the numerous years of conflict and hostility throughout the country, Iraq is more or less saying “we’ll just do it ourselves.” What started out as trying to help quickly deteriorated into much worse, so it’s hard to blame the civilians themselves for feeling this way.
Pakistan – 62% Unfavorable

Pakistan’s involvement in aiding and abetting middle east controversies has put them on notice by U.S. government officials, and this has resulted in extended military presence in their country, which they are not pleased with. Coupled with invading their matters and being critical of their leadership, it’s not surprising they’re not fans.
Slovenia – 54% Unfavorable

Slovenia’s distaste for American culture is mostly rooted in their historic ties to the then Soviet Union, which led them to believe that western democracies were an impending threat to their livelihood. However, differing economic interests and priorities also serve as separation.
Austria – 55% Unfavorable

Ironically, the distaste Austrians have for the U.S. isn’t even rooted in anything cynical, but more so eastern vs. western cuisine. The land down under is known for their adventurous food traditions, while they basically scoff at the commercialization of fast food and eating habits in America.
Belarus – 69% Unfavorable

As an eastern European country that is not part of the E.U., it’s easy to notice that their close friendedness with Russia points to their general dislike of the United States. However, their own economic woes resonate with an uneasy trend that shows countries with low economic morale not favoring the U.S.
Palestine – 80% Unfavorable

Palestinians view the United States’ involvement with Israel and the consequences of those affairs and those effects on its people to be a great injustice. Nothing about this bitter rivalry is new, but renewed tensions in the region have led to growing resentment, which is unfortunately inevitable.
Chile – 47% Unfavorable

Chile may be considered one of the United States’ most trusted Latin American allies, but its citizens aren’t too fond of Americans. They’re particularly critical of the way rhetoric regarding Latinos has gotten dismissive, and honestly feel they’ve gotten abandoned in many trade talks.
Canada – 51% Unfavorable

Our neighbors to the north actually have a faulty perception of animosity towards the U.S., as it’s usually common practice by politicians to rag on their neighbors for political fuel. However, they also carry a gripe with Americans’ constant criticism of their healthcare system.
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